Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The one with the Bad Hair Day

So I had a bad hair day today. I looked at the mirror before leaving home and it looked fine, like how I would normally do my hair.. Unfortunately, that's not how it seemed.

Bad hair day scene 1.
me: hey, we are going for lunch, do you want to join us?
Denise: eh?? what's wrong with your hair? why is it so messy today?
*looks at reflection by the window*
me: okay what? what's wrong with my hair? normal what..

Bad hair day scene 2.
after lunch, over heard Ann and Yoggie P's discussion about work, and i offered some help
me: (i uttered some crap, and wouldn't want to bore you guys with it)
ann: gosh.. you guys are really having a bad hair day...
* helloo?? were you even listening?* hehe... looks like I am not the only one.

Bad hair day scene 3.
Mr.Boss: Why never gel your hair today ar?

OKAY!! So I suppose that everyone will have a bad hair day one way or another.. Should have just worn a cap to work today.. *sighs*

Saw Ning at the gym today... Lucky her, she's on leave for the past 2 days.. Which made me wonder, why would she spend her time working out at the gym than to unwind at some beach or pamper herself to a spa treatment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ran out of gel ah?

12:54 AM  

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